( ありがとう ございました。"~)

How has it been this final Semester ?

A s s a l a m u a l a i k u m

Hey there,

i guess its been a while ... again "

well I'm too busy,

i don't have time to update this blog.
right now, i am at Fine Art Studio part5,
i was doing some editing for my final presentation,
its a final idea actually.

gosh it is so tiring, and I'm hungry , heheh.
ice cool is sleeping in front of me right now,
well his tired from doing some sketch or something 
and didn't even sleep at all
i told him to sleep, but.. he never listen...
and now, his body is to weak to stay healthy sometimes ...

Gosh... he should have listen to me...
sometimes he angry saying that, 

I'm not the only one who have to follow what you said,
you must follow what i say, I'm worried too..
like hello....

i know how to take of my self,
unlike you, making your self weaker and weaker,
i know this is final year is busy,

does not mean that, you have to work hard and forgot to sleep,
i mean you can be crazy, and weaker and unhealthy
 if you keep on going like this.
human are meant to sleep in day night...

what ever...
i was actually babbling around..
do not know what to update actually ...
but at least i finally updated "

hmm, we actually have not enough time,
I'm afraid tha I'm not going to produce a good painting.
what am i going to do now.
oh well.. i just gonna work hard and pray, may Allah bless me..

that's all for now i guess,
update soon

tata ~

by : q i l a d i

The thing is now...

A s s a l a m u a l a i k u m 

h e L L o...

its been while,

i was so busy at campus with no time to update my blog.
i'm not sure is there any readers of my blog..
but i just want to share...
sorry for the grammar though,
i'm still improving, but i like to write in English..

so right now i have the opportunity to update.
thanks to Kikin's WiFi, 

anyway, i'm facing a lot of hardships 
i'm not telling you what is it.
sometime i'm confuse of my self
sometimes i forgot who am i.
sometimes i felt like i'm down to earth.
there's a lot things going on around me.
i'm not telling you

i'm afraid..
i do not know what to do.
i was going to give up.
but ... i think i might forgot something
i realize something
i should not give up.
what happens may have a reasons
that's why Allah make it happened,
there's a lot of question.
why is this happening ?
what does Allah wants to show me.
i guess Allah knows whats right for me.
Allah knows me better than anyone.
Oh Allah, i know i have no worthy to ask for anything.
but i know that Allah forgives and give people chances.
i must realize that.
Oh Allah please let me be strong and patient.
let me go through this darkest world
let me be always on your way.
show me the light.
i must be strong for my family and for him,

i think i can go through this.
i know Allah is always there for me,
for you and for everyone who always remember Allah
i want to always be positive and moving forward.
i want to help my family, my friend and to the ones i loved.

(May Allah bless All of us the one who worships Allah)


The this is about your personalities according to your favorite color 
as for me, i am a pink lover.
i don'y know, i just love pink and i think it suits me the best,
a lot of people around me are discussed with my favorite color
but who cares, i love it and i'm happy of being my self"
so what ever happens they have to accept that i am a pink lover heheh...

well these traits is according to research
its just makes me happy reading something likes these.
sometime there are some of it matches your personality.
hehe ~

so here it is, the personality of the ones who love pink

If Your Favorite Color is Pink

  • If pink is your favorite color, you are loving, kind, generous and sensitive to the needs of others.
  • You are friendly and approachable with a warmth and softness others are drawn to.
  • You are the nurturers of the world - you love to give nurturing and to receive nurturing in return.
  • With a personality color pink, you have a maternal instinct, with a need to protect and take care of others. You also have a need for this caring to be reciprocated as you do tend to neglect yourself in your determination to take care of the needs of others.
  • You are very much in touch with your femininity - this includes men who are in touch with their feminine side.
  • You are romantic and sensual and sensitive.
  • With your optimistic and positive outlook on life, you see the good in everyone.
  • You are methodical and organized, although you can sometimes be rather flippant when the immature girly side of pink appears.
  • You are refined, reserved, calm and non-violent which may give the impression of shyness.
  • You have a naivety, sweetness and beauty about you which can become girlish and immature in some.
  • You have a youthful appearance, even into old age, looking younger than you really are, even to the point of looking dainty, frail and vulnerable.
  • The challenge for you is to become more self-reliant and to learn to love yourself, then love and acceptance will be returned to you multiplied.

Your Deepest Need
Your deepest need is to be accepted and loved unconditionally.

Pink  want to draw the little smiley faces on everything. 
Pink are usually either in a blissful state or looking for one. 
Pink try to see the best in others. If they don't find something good in a person,
then there has to be a very good explanation in the pink's mind as to why not.
Pink quietly study the best way to approach problems and then take action. 
Pink see the world through rose colored glasses. 
The truth of the matter is that it might be nice if 
we could all put those glasses on now and then. 
They are shy, very intelligent, 
hard working people who wish they were more part of the
 mainstream but are frightened of moving too quickly. 
Pink watch what they do or say because 
they are afraid that others may see them in a harsh light. 
They try to make everyone happy.

that's all for now, update soon

tata " ~

by : q i l a d i 

m u s i c by :

kiss me (G.na)

White Cat's paw