I think i'm ugly ,
Nobody want's to love me "
Just like her ,
I wanna be pretty "
Don't Lie to my face "
I think i'm Ugly "
Ever heard or seen such words ,
well its actually a lyric song by : 2ne1 "
i like that part a lot ,
maybe because it connect to me ( my life )
Sometimes i feel like that , dunno why .
i always lack of confidence ,
i don't know , too humble i guess ,
^^ " !
but even though many friends and family
hates me being lack of confidence all the time ...
But i guess i'm very grateful to ALLAH "
born to be a good person ( not perfect )
I'm happy to be a person who always humble "
( because of that, they think i'm lack of confidence )
its true , but most of it was being humble ^o^ "
technically , when that feelings came ,
i started to find something to adore ,
something like ,
Arts , pretty mates and all .
When i do that , i think i found a way ^^ "
Example , Snsd(Girls Generation) always makes me
So Nyuh Shi Dae
feel like i'm pretty , and appreciated
they make people dreams and not giving up "
i love unnie a lot . i'm glad to be a fan lol .
Today's topic was a trashy talk.
hahaha ^o^ "
okey i'll update soon "
have a sweet d r e a m "
oh yes , don't forgot to check out my Drawing Block at
D r a w i n g B l o c k by q i l a h
all aqilah arts "