( ありがとう ございました。"~)

changed my layout theme ^^ '

Last time ,
my blog theme was , this : 

i just love pink and SIMPLE ,
its represent my personalities .
technically girlish ^^ "
this theme which it comes with
pink and white stripe and a cute header by me ^^ "
hope u guys liked my previous theme ^~^ " `

this is my new theme ,
comes with pink bricks and a simple header which is my name '
and its made by me 

 hope you guys liked my new theme too ^^ "
i really liked pink , but i'm gonna try some other color for the next up coming theme ^^ '
please don't get annoyed by me , but i really like to change my profile them^^ '
cause i'm an ART people . and people like me love creative, colors , and variety with our own style .
Hope you always check out my new theme^^ " 

update soon , tata "  

m u s i c by :

kiss me (G.na)

White Cat's paw