( ありがとう ございました。"~)

Recently ........... T^T " ^~^ "

A s s a l a m u a l a i k u m ,

It’s been a while I didn’t update my blog,
I’ve been so busy lately ,
There’s a lot of event that held in UiTM Melaka .
First of all , our college event
which will be held all along
In 5weeks or 4weeks kinda like that..
Next was ,” Festival Kebudayaan “ 
& Symptom our AD’s faculty event .
It is fun , but tired too 
Our final project is getting started,
We have assessment day ,test , 
oh no the upcoming test 
I still didn’t read anything yet .. =_= “ ~
I’m happy that ice-cool is around me now ..
Really like to watch him ^^ “
I didn’t expect that ice-cool is beside me now ...
Even though he didn’t even liked me at first .
But now I think he cared about me ^0^ “ ~
Thank you for appreciating me ice-cool <3 “ ~
A bit sad actually 
I’m still sad right now 
But I know these sad felling will gone away soon
I’m afraid that I’ll be losing my biggie bro
I don’t know ...
He was so sweet n lovable at first 
Always there for me .. smile and understandable 
But since that week happened , he slowly getting far
Far away from me ... I’ve been thinking ,
Maybe biggie bro find someone else 
And what I guess was right 
No wonder you push me aside 
I miss biggie bro a lot 
He was too busy for me now 
Finally this is happening , which
My biggie bro is finally getting bored with me 
I hope ice-cool won’t leave me like anyone else 
I’m going to lose my biggie bro ...
I’m really sad ...
But as long as , my adorable 
friends are around & ice-cool..
I’ll be fine...
I didn’t expect to have any bother anymore 
But this biggie bro ... came ..
I never expect that we would be this close 
Since last semester , 
I kept on wanting to know this person
Until this sem , we meet again 
And he was too arrogant
At that time I’m taking decision 
to forget about u
But u came to me 
U choose to know me 
And I believe everything 
that happened is because of
Allah wanted it to happened 
I’m still searching the answer , 
y do Allah let me meet
This biggie bro 
Because it will never happened 
if Allah didn’t want it to be
Happened right
I prayed to Allah 
oh Allah if this biggie bro 
came to my life just to hurt me
Please let me forget about him 
But if he was suppose to came to my life
I hope Allah won’t let me hurt 
by any of this person anymore
It’s really sad when we meet recently 
As if me and him doesn’t know each other
My eyes start pouring
 after seeing him abandon me
I still remember when he only walked around 
Always came to see me 
Give me the sweetest smile
We talk to each other a lot 
Always at the same place 
But .... not anymore :< “
I know you are busy 
But I’m busy too 
U said u will always be there 
But not anymore 
Not a single reply came from you anymore 
My eyes kept on pouring 
every time I saw u from far
I don’t have any mood all along 
I hope holiday soon 
I can forget about u biggie bro 
I know u find someone else 
It’s okay . I understand 
I wish we were never this close 
In that case I will never 
hurt by seeing you abandon me
All around 
GOOD BYEE my dearest biggie bro
Thank you for the best memory for short
I started painting lately 
It’s really fun 
I do really love painting 
Even though I’m still new in oil painting 
But I really love to make the painting looks real 
I’m not gonna give up
I’ still happy because
 ice-cool is beside me 
Chocolate milk , dark chocolate ,
 oat crunch and ice cream
Well panda is not there to hear me anymore 
Dunno y , it’s okay ..i have my girlfriends with me
They Were always there for me 
Thanks you guys 
And every time I’m feeling the sad feeling
I called my family instead
I called them a lot recently
Maybe because I’m sad , 
and I need to hear their voices
Hearing their happy voices makes me happy more 
Don’t know what’s gonna happen in the future
But I hope no more person would come to my life 
Just to hurt and suffer me more 
I can’t take it anymore 
Enough with the pressure I’m having now 
I want to focus on what 
I want to become in the future 
One day I will catch my dream 
Insya Allah .... may Allah bless me 
<3 ice – cool...

By: q i l a d i "
( sorry too tired to put some cute icon )

m u s i c by :

kiss me (G.na)

White Cat's paw