( ありがとう ございました。"~)

Left with a Broken heart "

A s s a l a m u a l a i k u m "

on 16 October "

i was left with a broken heart ..

i force my self to sleep to forget...

i'm sleeping with tears at that time..

it was really sad to me...

i was waiting and happy and exiting..

i thought i can finally have a conversation with the one i <3

finally, mommy gets to sleep this time...

it was hard to wait for her...

i started to call with a happy heart..


when i called , the person answer in a very unpleasant way ..

first question , the person ask...

when are u going to sleep...

when i heard that question , my heart feels sad..

then the person said , i was kidding...

i have a feeling , that person does not want to talk to me...

tears start falling...

then the person told me,

i'm going out...

tears start falling again , and more and more...

i knew it, i just knew.. i don't want to believe it..

my heart hurts..

he told me that tonight he wanted to give me a lullaby .

i guess he forgot, 

about me , always forgot..

the reason i do not want to give you a call is because...

every time i called you ,

all i get is..

disappointment , sad , heart broken and tears will fall...

that's why i only wait for a call from,

then i know if you called,

you do really need me..

but when i called , always at the wrong moment..

it was the moment you don't even wanted me around..

am i right...

can you tell me , it is the truth right ?

please say no : < ....

i'm sorry , i understand, u have your own life..

i do , do really love you...

maybe i miss you so much ...

its not easy to hear your voice or 

feeling like i was loved by u recently ..

when there's a chance ...

i'll grab it... i'll try too..

but, when i finally could give you a call.

but.. you were not there for me..

maybe you do not know how i felt,

how much i miss you ...

that is why i felt so sad ...

it was so hard to awake , to make sure...

but when i finally could talk to you...

you just can't..

maybe its not the time..

all i can do is understand ...

i do not want you to worried ...

i try to calm my self...

i realize when i started crying and sad..

i forgot about your feeling...

i'm sorry , maybe i just have to be patient ...

maybe i loved you to much...

and miss you a lot ...

but it is not a good thing if you did't feel the same way 

as what i felt to you ...

I've decided to not hoping anymore...

i'm sorry ,

it's just that, i love you ...

when you hung up the phone..

i was crying badly and force my self to sleep..

i thought i can forget about it..

in the morning,  i woke up..

every time i remember about that night..

tears start falling again ...

it was a big scar...

when you left me with a broken heart .....

i understand that you did not do it on purpose

but i can't help it , it was really disappointing..

i pray for you and your family the best ..

( oh Allah please bless our relationship )

 " HONEY ' you are the best thing that ever been in my life "
i hope u know that 

by : q i l a d i 

m u s i c by :

kiss me (G.na)

White Cat's paw