( ありがとう ございました。"~)

The cutest guy in the whole over the world (TCGITWOTW) >.< " !!!!

a s s a l a m u a l a i k u m "

hye everyone ^^ "

 it was my birthday last week  ,

i was hoping at-least one of my closest friend would remember .. 

well i guess they did , but some just doesn't care ..
well if is that so , fine than ... 

and i was hoping that " TCGITWOTW " would wish me ^^ "
i was waiting for it , ..

but he never did post anything ..
i was a bit disappointed ..

a few hours later , i check my FB , he only liked my post .. -_- "
again , i'm disappointed , 
like what ???
what can't you just wish me .. 

next week later ....

i check my other FB , 
i was like .... O.O !!!!!!!!!!!
he did wished me ,
but at my other fb .. 
i was sooooooooooooooooooooooo HAppppyyy ...
ohh not just wished ,
well he did said something else to >.< "

huhh , even though we are so different ,
and maybe you don't even liked or feel anything 
about me ^^ "
but i don't know ,...
i just liked u ^^ "

hmmm i guess when we admired someone ,
 just one word would make your heart beat fast ^^ "

that's all for now , 
update soon , 
tata " ~

m a t a n e " ~

by : aqilasubki

m u s i c by :

kiss me (G.na)

White Cat's paw